The secretarygeneral Zhang Zongwu of the Foundation met with the navy captain of
the Republic of Cameroon Betangane on October 13. Throughcooperating with the
Foundation, Captain Betangane wished that Cameroon’s coffee will be introduced to
China. He pointed out that Cameroon’s coffeeis of high quality and competitive in the
market. He hopes that Chinese entrepreneurs will eventuallyinvest and open factories
in Cameroon, so that the Chinese consumers will have a greater selection of coffee
flavors and select the ones that they prefer.Besides, captain Betangane also mentioned
that there is a great market potential in infrastructure and housing, hoping that the
Foundation will bring Chinese investment.
Secretarygeneral Zhang was very interested in the cooperation mentioned by
Captain Betangane, and he asked detailed questions about Came roon’s coffee.
Secretarygeneral Zhang is willing to explore the potential of cooperation of Chinese
investment in Cameroon and will continue the discussion in the aspects of products,
companies, markets, and investment environment. Meanwhile, secretarygeneral Zhang
welcomed Cameroon students to study inChina, hoping to build a cultural bridge betw-
een the two countries.