Secretary-General Zhang Zongwu visited Vladimir Oshchepkov, economic counselor of the
Russian Federation to China at the Russian Embassy on 29 October. They exchanged
opinions on the bilateral trade under the background of One Belt, One Road initiative.
Russian Federation is a longterm diplomatic partner of China; bilateral trade and cultural
exchange are relatively mature and frequent. Counsellor Oshchepkov said that the friendly
relationship between Russia and China has its origin since the time of Kangxi, therefore
bilateral cooperation has a firm foundation. Counsellor Oshchepkov was very interested in
our plan to work with One Belt, One Road countries and asked about our work in ChinaAfrica
trade. SecretaryGeneral Zhang introduced our institution’s work in introducing Chinese
companies investing in foreign markets and introduced his plan in participating on One Belt,
One Road trade promotion. Counsellor Oshchepkov hopes that our institution will contribute
our experience in promoting China-Africa trade to further China-Russia trade.