SecretaryGeneral Zhang Zongwu visited Vicky Tchong, Ambassador
of the Democratic Republic of TimorLeste to China at its office. They
exchanged opinions about bilateral cooperation under the background
of One Belt, One Road initiative.
As a member country of both One Belt, One Road and Maritime Silk
Road, TimorLeste share great potential of cooperation with China in
the fields of agriculture, transportation, petroleum, and tourism. She
said that commerce in Timor-Leste is still to be explored, thus there is
great potential. Chinese government has created favorable conditions
for Timor-Leste’s export to China, but it is the most important to build
domestic manufacturing capacity for now. Therefore, TimorLeste needs
Chinese technology and products in agriculture and light manufacture.
Besides, as the only Portuguese speaking country in Asi, TimorLeste
has worked well with enterprises of Macau, but it is not enough to only
work with Macau companies to develop TimorLeste. Therefore, cooperation
with our institution is very important to bring more Chinese enterprises and
technology to Timor-Leste.
SecretaryGeneral was very interested the cooperation raised by
Ambassador Tchong and agreed with the idea that Chinese enterprises
should contribute more to the development of TimorLeste. SecretaryGeneral
Zhang said that, agriculture, fishery, tourism and gas are the fields that will
benefit people and enterprises of both countries. He said that our institution
will work with the Timor-Leste Embassay and Chinese companies to promote
bilateral trade and cooperation, creating a win-win situation for both countries.
Finally, Secretary-General Zhang invited Ambassador Tchong to visit our
office in order to further discuss cooperation.