October, 23rdheld the meeting for Nigeria and China enterprise representatives.
The enterprise representatives from Bauchi, Nigeria and Chinese enterprise
representatives conducted face to face communication and discussion.
Chinese enterprises included: HBXG, BUCC, Jun Sheng Da Tong,
Sichuan Chuangyuan, Shenzheng Shenheng, BBMG, CGGC-UN Power etc.
CAFETF executive chairman Zhu Xinghong delivered a opening speech, expressed
welcomeand gratefulness to every representative. Mohammed Ali Kumo, the government
counselor from Bauchi State, stated allround the investment environment, mining resources
and business cooperation opportunities in Bauchi to Chinese enterprises; invited Chinese
enterprises to conduct field trip to Bauchi to better understand and find out more cooperation
sectors. Then Mr Kumo communicated with every representative, led indepth discussion
around construction, mining exploring, agriculture and meat packing. Chinese enterprise
representatives showed great interest in Nigeria market, The meeting was finished in a friendly
and relaxing atmosphere with many areas coming into consensus. Participants from both sides
hope CAFETF can organize more similar events, providing the platform of dialogues among
Chinese and Nigeria companies.