Commercial Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mr. Muhammad Salim visited
our institute on 15 October. Vice President Zhu Xinghong and SecretaryGeneral
Zhang Zongwu of the institute received them. Zhu firstly welcomed Minster Salim’s
visit on behalf of the institute. Zhu stated that China and Pakistan share a very close
tie as they are longterm supporters of each other. As Chairman Xi Jinping raised the
One Belt, One Road initiative, China is now considering Pakistan as a core partner
and plans to deepen the economic ties with Pakistan. Therefore, Zhu hoped that our
institute will facilitate the process of ChinaPakistan bilateral economic partnership,
through which we create more opportunities for enterprises of both countries.
Minister Salim expressed gratefulness to Vice President Zhu’s remarks and gave an
introduction about various Pakistani sectors, including energy, mining and education.
Minster Salim hoped to work with our institute in order to encourage more Chinese
entrepreneurs to invest in Pakistan. Meanwhile, he also raised the request of
organizing a ChinesePakistani entrepreneurs seminar to introduce Pakistan’s
investment climate and enterprises to Chinese entrepreneurs. Both parties discussed
about time and location for the seminar. Chair of the International Liaison Department
Yu Shining and secretary of the Pakistani Embassy Li Yimo also attended the meeting.