Secretary-general Zhang Zongwu visited Mr. Mahfuzul Khan, the Commercial
Counsellor of Bangladesh at the Embassy of Bangladesh on October 19.
Secretarygeneral Zhang introduced the work and results of the our work in
promoting trade between China and African countries. Counsellor Khan appre-
ciated the accomplishments of our work and said that, based on the accompli-
shments in promoting trade between China and Africa, he is confident that we
will also contribute much to the trade between China and Bangladesh.
As the largest trade partner of China in South Asia, Bangladesh is an
important component of the One Belt, One Road initiative. Counsellor Khan
introduced that, China has become the largest trade partner of Bangladesh and
the volume of ChinaBangladesh trade is increasingly largely. Due to the longterm
friendship between the Bengalese and Chinese people, Bangladesh built Special
Economic Zone to promote trade with China. Besides, Bangladesh also offers
taxfree and quota-free policies to promote foreign investment.
Secretarygeneral Zhang was very interested in the investment environment
of Bangladesh introduced by Counsellor Khan. Zhang explained that the we are
willing to organize forums and salon to promote the Bengalese investment policies,
introduce Bengalese products, and at the same time, to introduce Chinese entrepr-eneurs who are interested in investing in Bangladesh to the Bengalese market, ho-ping to make possible a dialogue between entrepreneurs of both countries. Besi-
des, we are also willing to find markets in China for Bengalese products and to
introduce Chinese products into Bengalese markets. Counsellor Khan took
Zhang’s proposal seriously and mentioned potential cooperation between the
Embassy, Bengalese entrepreneurs and the our institution. Secretarygeneral
Zhang said that the we would like to continue the discussion and Zhang invited
Counsellor Khan to visit our office. Secretarygeneral Zhang said that, we will
beglad to respond to proposals made by the Bangladesh Embassy and activ-
ities organized by it in order to support the ChinaBangladesh trade, contribut-
ing to the One Belt, One Road initiative.